Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Josiah's First Haircut

This morning I finally relented and decided Josiah could have his first haircut.  He has been called a little girl a little too much lately (although if he were a girl, I already knew the perfect place to put a little bow in his hair!).  Originally, I had said he had to walk before I would cut his hair, but at 15 months he still isn't walking.  Any tips from my readers about how to motivate a child to walk?  He will walk if we hold his hands, but he really just wants to crawl.  Since he is 23 pounds now, I'm really hoping he walks soon. 

We took him to the sweet girl who cuts my hair and Thomas' hair.  He sat on my lap because we knew he would be squirmy.  Turns out he wasn't as squirmy as he was upset.  He cried through most of the haircut!  Thomas has such a laid back personality and when we cut his hair at 13 months, he sat perfectly still without me holding him.  However, Josiah has a completely different personality than his brother and while we knew he wouldn't sit still, we didn't expect him to cry.  Below are some pictures that tell the story. 

This was his move throughout the haircut!
Looking to Daddy and Thomas to save him!

Still not happy, but looking like a big boy *sniff, sniff*

Amy let him touch the "peanut" that she was about to use around his ears.

Josiah's reaction to the "peanut."

All done, but still not happy!


JLynn said...

OH Dianna, My sweet Josiah!! He looks like a big boy now!! Oh he is so cute. I could just eat him up. He is the sweetest thing. He will walk in his own time don't worry. Then you will be like, will he please slow down some. LOL!! Oh I just love my little Josiah and Thomas!!

Vondi said...

Loved you first haircut account! LOL

After reading some on your other blog posts I happened to think of another friend who has a blog with some moneysaving tips. You might be interested in checking out:
http://www.halloffamemoms.com/ This might be of a help in a lot of ways to a young momma.
The lady who has it is ia cnscientious and loving Child of God, but maybe not as far along the road as you might be, but give her a chance. You will soon come to love her sweet spirit.

Another blogger and blog reader,