Tuesday, April 27, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, our church had the pleasure of having a wonderful couple who are workers in East Asia visit us!  John & Rachel (you can see her blog linked on my blog list) are also wonderful friends as well, and we were so privileged the Lord gave them an opportunity to visit us.  They are home for a very short time, and it was only at the beginning of the month they emailed and said some dates had become available for them to visit us.  Even though it was a busy time for us (it was the same week Josh went to Together for The Gospel), we absolutely could not pass up a visit with them. 

On Thursday evening, the team (and their families) who went to visit them last summer had dinner with John and Rachel and their girls at a local restaurant.  It was a great time of catching up with them and also receiving more details about people they had shared with last summer.  All of the kids had a wonderful time playing together after dinner too (I think their were nine children, 5 and below, between us). 

We had John and Rachel and their girls over for lunch on Friday and it was a sweet time of fellowship.  I was struck with how we don't know each other all that well (other than through visiting them in East Asia and once before in the states); we really are united through the gospel.  We are on the same page theologically and it that really does unite your hearts together. 

Friday night there was a potluck dinner at the church and then John and Rachel shared with us about their work in EA.  I am so glad that some of our church family was able to meet them and hear about how to pray for them as they labor for the sake of the kingdom. 

It was a short visit, but we are so glad they were able to come!  Below are some pictures of their time here. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Potty Training Help

I am in need of potty training help from all you experienced moms out there.  Thomas is 2.5 and we have been potty training for about 6 months or so.  We haven't really followed any method, but just take him to the potty every so often (about every hour) and if he does something, he can have one M&M or a jelly bean.  He has always done well pee-peeing on the potty, and in the past few weeks he has gotten even better at telling me when he has to go (he just tasted jelly beans around Easter and I think that is the motivation for wanting to go to the potty!).  In the past few weeks, I have also noticed that he has developed the ability to wait for long periods of time to go potty.  For instance, we can go out for two to three hours and when we get home, he is still dry!  He has also stayed dry during naps and even once stayed dry all night! 

My dilemna?  He will NOT poo in the potty.  We have tried bribery, but it doesn't work.  If you ask him where he is supposed to poo, he says, "In the potty."  He does know when he has to go, because he wants to be alone now and if I happen to catch him in the act he says, "Mama, I'm pooping right now."  I would love to transition him out of pull-ups and diapers, but I just don't think that is possible until he can poo in the potty.  I have tried training pants, but he doesn't get upset if he gets those dirty.  I'm hesitant to go straight to underwear because I don't want to ruin them. 

Seasoned moms, what would you do?  How have you handled this with your children, especially boys?  Everyone told me boys were hard to potty train, but I really have no idea if that is true.  Please help!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Family Circus

I came across this cartoon a couple of weeks ago in the Sunday paper.  I loved it because I think it does sum it my job and so many other in my occupation who feels the world doesn't understand or appreciate our job.  Hope it brightens your day! 

Monday, April 12, 2010

Square Foot Gardening

This year Josh and I decided to try out square foot gardening.  Neither one of us have ever gardened, but both of our grandparents did and we wanted to try it.  I'm not sure what Josh's reasons for doing it are (other than to get dirty), but I have a couple:
  1. Eat Fresh Produce - There is nothing like fresh corn and tomatoes from the garden.  Nothing in the store can compare. 
  2. Saves Money - Seeds really are cheap and square foot gardening is so economical that it will save us money.  If you've read my blog for any length of time, then you know how much I enjoy saving money!
  3. Better for us - We don't have to worry about the food containing harmful chemicals or pesticides.  I read an article in All You (a magazine) a couple of months ago and was surprised of how many foods are shipped from overseas or from across the country.  It just makes sense to grow your own food if possible. 
We decided to do square foot gardening because it is easy.  No gardening tools required and no expertise needed.  A guy in our church introduced us to the idea and we bought the book All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew.  The author lays out step-by-step instructions and give you the benefits of square foot gardening versus single row gardening. 

Thankfully, the guy in our church who introduced us to the idea has also helped us get started.  He built us three 4x4 gardens and then helped us fill them with the right soil.  We could have done it without his help, but we are always so thankful for anyone's assistance! 

We have planted lima beans and green beans thus far.  In a few weeks we will plant, tomatoes, corn, and okra and maybe a few flowers.  Josh is so excited about the garden and loves to go and look at it!  He and Thomas water it each night and are anxiously waiting for the first sign of life. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Orderly and Organized

As Thomas grows older, we begin to see more and more of his distinct personality traits.  One of his most prominent traits is his orderliness and organization skills.  Thomas likes everything to be lined up perfectly.  Josh and I both are organized, although he would admit his organization tends to be "pile" organization, whereas I am "everything last paper has to be in the proper place" organized.  Thomas so far has more of my organization habits.  Before he goes to bed, he wants all the books put back on the bookshelf (as I do!) and he likes to help me put up all the groceries in their proper spot.  Maybe part of this organization trait comes from being a firstborn?  I don't know too much about how birth order affects personality, but it might have some affect. 

Here are some recent examples of Thomas' organization of his toys.  By the way, I love that he has some of my personality since he looks exactly like his daddy.  I need to know I contributed something to my firstborn!

Train people lined up perfectly on his table. 

One of his favorite places to put his many cars - all in a line!

Pull-ups all lined up one morning when I went to get him from his room.  I guess he got bored while waiting on me!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Prayer

Crucifixion And Resurrection

O Lord,

I marvel that thou shouldst become incarnate,
be crucified, dead, and buried.
The sepulchre calls forth my adoring wonder,
   for it is empty and thou art risen;
   the four-fold gospel attests it,
   the living witnesses prove it,
   my heart's experience knows it.
Give me to die with thee that I may rise to new life,
  for I wish to be as dead and buried
   to sin, to selfishness, to the world;
  that I might not hear the voice of the charmer,
   and might be delivered from his lusts.
O Lord, there is much ill about me - crucify it,
  much flesh within me - mortify it.
Purge me from selfishness,
   the fear of man, the love of approbation,
   the shame of being thought old-fashioned,
   the desire to be cultivated or modern.
Let me reckon my old life dead
   because of crucifixion,
 and never feed it as a living thing.
Grant me to stand with my dying Saviour,
  to be content to be rejected,
  to be willing to take up unpopular truths,
  and to hold fast despised teachings until death.
Help me to be resolute and Christ-contained.
Never let me wander from the path of obedience
  to thy will.
Strengthen me for the battled ahead.
Give me courage for all the trials,
  and grace for all the joys.
Help me to be a holy, happy person,
  free from every wrong desire,
  from everything contrary to thy mind.
Grant me more and more of the resurrection life:
   may it rule me,
   may I walk in its power,
   and be strengthened through its influence. 

- From The Valley of Vision

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Learning About My Husband

One of the best sessions at the True Woman conference was the first breakout session with Bob Lepine.  He is the host of Family Life Today and the topic of his session was "What Your Husband Wishes You Knew About Being His Wife."  Sound interesting?  It really was great.  Bob Lepine used a lot of humor and his own observations and illustrations from his 30+ years of marriage.  These are the 10 observations he gave about men: 
  1. Your husband needs you to be a helper.  He doesn't need you scolding, shaming, griping, insisting on your way, or nagging him. 
  2. Your husband needs your perspective.  You need to do it with respect and humility. 
  3. Your husband is insecure and not confident of his abilities in some areas.  Therefore, be kind!
  4. If your husband isn't winning at what he is doing, he will quit and find something else.  This is especially true with marriage and family.  If you are constantly criticizing your husband, he will just give up.  You are your husband's cheerleader and your husband needs your affirmation. 
  5. Your husband needs to know you aren't trying to use your relationship to manipulate him.
  6. Your husband needs grace and love even when he makes mistakes and fails. Galatians 6:1 You need to always speak the truth in love and again affirm him even when he make mistakes. 
  7. Your husband would rather be respected than loved.  Affirm him in what you respect about him.  And remember it is God's job to "fix" your husband; you aren't the Holy Spirit. 
  8. Sex is one of the most powerful ways to affirm your husband.   1 Corinthians 7:3-4
  9. Stop trying to control your husband!  1 Peter 3:6
  10. Make it your goal to fulfill the "one anothers" in your marriage. 
I think the message will be online in the coming weeks and you can check out the True Woman website to find it.  I really was encouraged and challenged to be my husband's cheerleader.  The world doesn't affirm him, and even his role as a pastor can be very discouraging sometimes, so I need to affirm him and pray for him.  I've come to realize that Josh is very aware of his flaws, as I am of mine, and there is no need to point those out and be critical.  Even though this was a women's conference, it also helped me in loving my husband more!